How To Make Your Blog Interactive

You can tell that a blog is successful by the number of people reading and following it. Interesting posts make visitors return again and again to a blog. If there is a formula for a perfect blog post, I'd share it, but there isn't.
Bogging help, Blog Post, Meaningful blogging, Friendly blogging, Social Media Traffic, Social media marketing,

Meaningful blogging

Every blogger writes differently. But beyond face value, a blogger must be able to communicate in other ways to his audience.
Blog visitors come from different channels - search engine, forums, link referrals, and so on. Readers come to look for answers or just browse around. The blogger should find a way to make the visitors feel comfortable in his web domain.

Friendly blogging

If you want to be a friendly face online, the best way to do it is through a blog. Friendly blogs can easily win the hearts of readers, regardless of background.
Allow commenting on your blog posts to get readers to interact. Readers will feel more involved when they get to share their thoughts about your blog entries. That way they are no longer just outsiders-looking-in. The comments section also becomes a ground for sharing thoughts between readers.

Value of inputs

Our two cents put together makes 4 cents! There may be times when bloggers can't decide on a post topic, or maybe just need an extra push on what to blog about next. Create an online poll and let your readers vote for your next blog post. It's okay to ask questions on your blog entries.
You can also pull ideas from the comments section - dedicate a new blog post for every difficult question raised by a reader, and don't forget to send him a link.

Social media

An interactive blog should have a presence in social media. People use social media in their everyday activities. Tag followers using @username to make posts more personal.
The social media is also a great place to roll out blog promotions, giveaways and pretty much anything new to your blog. Keeping your followers posted on social media sites will remind them to visit your blog again and again.

After learning how to start a blog, the urge is on to fill every gap on the page. But between creating new entries, don't forget to show gratitude to your audience. Your blog will come to life when it is interactive.


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