How to Get Your First 1,000 Fans on Facebook?

Here, a short guide to first steps to help achieve a critical mass of fans on Facebook, say 1000 fans to round numbers

 1. Create a quality image: 

 After opening your Fan Page and before proceeding to share with your contacts make sure you have a good cover photo and profile photo. Yes, always consistent with your corporate image. Be the logo or an image that represents your products or services, it is important that the images have a good resolution and adapted to the default sizes for Facebook: the cover photo is of 851 ?? 315 pixels and the profile: 160 ?? 160 pixels. Blurred images or colours that blend well give a bad image of your site.
How to Get Your First 1,000 Fans on Facebook?
How to Get Your First 1,000 Fans on Facebook?

 2. Share with family and friends 

 For the first round of "like" our recommendation is that you throw in your inner circle. As your family and friends alike and will be aware of your business and compared to the hours spent listening to talk about work, a "like" is not much. Send them e-mails with the link to the page or directly invite them using the button 'Invite Friends' located in the administrative panel of the page.

 3. Give personality to your site: 

 Not only the cover and profile photos give the personal touch to your site it does determine the first impression but thereafter you have to get is continuity in the content shared with your audience and that information received by the fan justifies that "like". For example, if you are hotel chef shares recipes, beauty tips for women employees of the spa, etc... Do not just link to news, videos and pictures you've seen on other websites/blogs. Attempts to create your own content. Or if you see it too complicated, make a work of original selection related to your sector.

 4. Link your Facebook channel with other promotional materials: 

 Do not forget to link to the Facebook page from your site and from the newsletter that you send to your customers. Plus you can also enter the link in the signature of all your emails. If you have business cards, brochures, posters etc... Put the link on your Facebook page. An effective alternative is to do it by generating a QR code to get the person scanning directly there. Ideal for packaging's if you sell a physical product or letter if your business is a restaurant.

 5. Connect with your fans and get a new promotion: 

 Once your family, friends, contacts and several customers already know your site the process of acquiring new fans is slower. To accelerate growth we recommend a strategy as old as trade itself i.e. use promotional campaigns to publicize your business. Thus you offer a direct incentive for people to become a fan of your site. Promotion can use to test free Easy promos the impact of a promotional campaign on your site. The following tutorial will explain how to install Easy promos on your site.
 Once you have eased, you can take a look at the types of promotions that can be done with Easy promos and decide which best fits your site. In Easy promos have done over 75,000 promotions so we know that promotions on Facebook work very well, both to attract new fans to the loyalty of existing ones. If you want more tips to create promotions recommend this guide where we talk about best practices and mistakes to avoid.

 6. Use Facebook Ads: 

 You do not have the budget of a multinational to promote your business with ads on Facebook. Even with 10EUR a day can get results as only pay for clicks received. And if your site has followed the steps above do not give "like" after clicking on an ad is unlikely. The biggest benefit is offered segmentation by location, age, gender but mostly interest. You can be as specific campaigns such as launching only those who like a particular song, a food or a brand of shoes. Link the ad to recommend a promotion as well as the new visitor entrance will immediately reward: the chance to win something.


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