
Showing posts with the label Earn Money with Blogging

Make Money Blogging - To Help You Pay Your Bills and More

Make Money Blogging - To Help You Pay Your Bills and More The internet hosts a lot of diverse activities which can help many people earn a lot of money. One of these lucrative opportunities the internet offers is blogging. Many people can attest that there is money to earn from blogging. However, do not be delusional that money will simply pour into your account once you start a blog of your own. As with any job that you pursue, it also requires some hard work, effort, resourcefulness and patience so you can successfully make money blogging.  With blogging, you can choose just about anything that interests you or you are passionate about. You can share your opinion there. You can share your experiences, you can give advice, and you can discuss a hot topic and so much more. As you put your heart in creating contents for your blog, be sure to implement some methods that will make your blog a money maker. Make Money Blogging - To Help You Pay Your Bills and More  Paid A...

9 Tips You Should Not Forget In Your Blog

Some of these tips are very basic, but it never hurts to remember.   RSS Feed/buttons social profiles  Before it was used only as the RSS content syndication but now that is so fashionable social networks is vital to offer your readers links to your social networking profiles. Today everyone uses a social network, and you will get more followers through Facebook or Twitter that using RSS.    Related Posts   A high percentage of users (just have to see your Analytics) will come to your blog through Google searches read what they were looking for and leave. However, attempts to retain them offer related posts and hopefully get a new faithful reader (yes, it just depends on your content).  Be thankful   Be thankful for the others blog commenters. The first rule of a blog: respond to comments and the second rule is if someone is writing about your positive comment, you need to write same as.   Always put your picture in posts...