14 Simple Ways to Find Blog Post Ideas

14 Simple Ways to Find Blog Post Ideas 

Are you ready to discover dozens of profitable and popular blog post ideas for your website?
This powerful guide will walk you through 14 killer keyword research strategies so that you can uncover blog post topics that your audience craves.
If you’re brand new, keyword research is simply uncovering search phrases that people are typing into search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, forums, and more.
These keywords make for great blog posts.
I recommend using the 14 strategies below to find 30-50 keywords, which will arm you with enough content for at least 6 months.
14 Simple Ways to Find Blog Post Ideas
14 Simple Ways to Find Blog Post Ideas 
1. Google Autocomplete
Have you ever noticed the drop-down box that appears when you start typing in Google?
This is Google's autocompleting feature.
It’s powerful because Google is suggesting these keywords based on other common searches.
2. Google Related Search
When you scroll down to the bottom of the page, Google has a section called “Searches related to…”This is a gold mine for blog post ideas.
You can take it a step further by clicking one of the related searches and repeating the process.
3. Google Keyword Planner Tool
This tool was created for Advertisers, but it’s a great tool to find keyword ideas.
Type in a broad keyword, click “Get Ideas” and Google will populate a list of related keywords.
It also tells you how many average monthly searches each keyword gets so you can anticipate how much traffic, or people, you can potentially drive to your site if you ranked on page 1.
4. Long Tail Pro
This is one of my favourite keyword research methods.Long Tail Pro is like the Google Keyword Planner Tool on steroids.
First off, it brings back way more results, and the platinum version has a feature called “Average Keyword Competitiveness,” or AKC.The AKC is a number between 0-100. The closer to 0, the easier it is to rank for that keyword. The closer to 100, the harder it is.
If your blog is new, then I would target keywords with an AKC lower than 34. Anything higher than that will be too competitive until you build your authority.This tool will save you a lot of time. 
5. YouTube Autocomplete
The YouTube autocomplete feature is very similar to the Google autocomplete feature, but I like to use it because it can return different results.
6. Soovle.com
Soovle is a powerful free tool that’s easy to use and pulls results from Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Bing, YouTube, Ask.com AND Wikipedia.This tool is awesome because it populates long tail keyword ideas that your competition probably overlooked.
7. Keywordtool.io
Keywordtool.io is amazing and free.
What makes it unique is that it will add characters before and after your main keyword, starting with “a” and ending with “z”.
For example, I typed in the main keyword “content marketing.”
It returned 369 results, including keywords like “creating a content marketing plan,” “content marketing best practices,” “content marketing calendar template,” and so on.It also returns results with the numbers “1-10”
8. BuzzSumo
BuzzSumo is an amazing tool to identify what content is hot within your industry.A quick search will bring up the most shared content related to that topic.Use BuzzSumo to find proven blog post ideas that your target audience loves.
9. Competitor Blogs
What better place to find viral content ideas than on your competitors' blogs?A quick scroll through DigitalMarketers blog revealed this post that had over 1,000 social shares.Comb through the top 3-5 blogs in your niche, find the most shareable content, and then write a similar post but make it better.
10. Udemy
Udemy is an online marketplace where you can buy courses on just about any hobby or interest.#1 Look at the courses people are buying…and create similar content on your blog.
You can click on the course and get more blog post ideas by reading the description. Look for bolded phrases and/or bullet points.#2 Use the search autocomplete feature
This will tell you what other people are searching for.
11. Forums
Forums have long been one of the best places to find content ideas because everyone who hangs out there shares a similar interest.
Google search “keyword” + “forums” to find forums in your niche.Most forums have sub-forums that go deeper into a specific topic.You can find endless blog post ideas just by browsing through the thread headlines.
12. Amazon
You can find so many hidden gem blog post ideas on Amazon.
Just search your topic and find books that let you “look inside” for free.Go to the table of contents and you can pick up handfuls of blog post ideas.
13. FAQfox
FAQfox will scrape a list of threads from different forums, subreddits, and aggregator sites.To get started, enter the main keyword, choose a pre-made category, and hit search.Within moments you’ll have a list of potential blog post ideas.
14. Q&A Sites
Q&A sites like Quora and Yahoo Answers are great places to find content ideas.Simply type in your topic and pick out the questions that you could turn into great blog posts.

Blog Post Ideas Summary

And there you have it: 14 AMAZING ways to find profitable and popular blog post ideas for your website.14 Simple Ways to Find Blog Post Ideas 
Combine these strategies with my 5-Step Blogging Cheatsheet and you’re well on your way to building your blog castle.
So what do you think?
Do you have a favourite method that I didn’t include on the list?
Let me hear about it in the comments below.

1. Google Keyword Tool


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